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    layout: lyricaltragedy
    inspiration: reversescollide
    Friday, January 05, 2007
    Job training sucked, big time. A big company with 10 branches all over South-East Asia and delivering products to shops like Action City! It's generally known as an advertising/gift specialists company. Sounds like some damn professional company right. Ha Ha. They hire people like us to help them sell pens at the neighbourhood while the leaders (Eg. Casper) just sit around + talk on the phone, and earn the commission.

    Only 4 were selected out of the 315289 people who came for the interview yesterday. Call ourselves unlucky. Accounted for our products & free gifts, rehearsed and got ready to sell those (ugly! useless! brandless!) stuff. Obviously Casper, our so-called leader, splited Jaslyn & I into different teams. She was grouped with Ming Xuan, CK and that Casper (the fat! ghost). I had only one buddy, Lionel. He's been working there for about a week already. My team's pathetic right! Or rather, my pair's pathetic. Haha!

    Hello guess what. We were then told to sell our products at - coffeeshops. And who were our supposedly clients? Old aunties & uncles. Plus, we had to sell at least 7 to get through a 2nd interview, 15 to qualify for MF and 16 to win the daily bonus. After 1 hour or so, Jaslyn & I messaged each other that we're thinking of quitting already. Damn tough job, really. It's like before you can even introduce yourself, you're being rejected already. So I managed to sell a total of 4 pens. Not bad already ok! Jaslyn sold zerooo. Haha!

    At noon, Everyone in Jaslyn's team told Casper that they're quitting on the spot. And I, stationed all the way at Bukit Gombak, didn't know what to do. Haha! Called stupid Casper and he said I can only leave at 5.30pm. And he only picks up calls from Lionel, I realised. He rejected all my calls please. Oh then I asked him why the others can leave on the spot while I have to wait till evening. Then he started mumbling. Imagine a fat guy like him mumbling over the phone! Lionel then spoke to him and yay! I can quit on the spot too. Haha! I really pity Jaslyn's team for having Casper as their leader! He actually brought them to some Kallang industrial site, full of mud, tall grasses and huge longkangs. Haha!

    Trained back to Chinatown. Haha! I walked back to the office while he continued to sell those pens, alone. Oh man, I think I'm so mean. Haha! Met Jaslyn at the office but the 2 other guys left already. I didn't get to say my last goodbye to them! Walked back to Chinatown mrt and met Lionel on the way. Bid goodbye for the 2nd time! Haha!

    So yup, a day wasted. But at least we made a few new friends. Haha! I helped the company earn $40 okkkkk. But I'm glad CK reminded Jaslyn, and Jaslyn reminded me about the note we pasted on our box before leaving. If not I'd probably give the company another 5 bucks, for free. Haha!

    Oh! And I found that stupid Casper on Friendster. He's only in Poly! We all thought he was a married man. Hahaha! And he used to keep long hair last time! Thank goodness he has already cut it short if not I bet everyone will just laugh their heads off and roll down the stairs. AnD hE TyPeS liKe ThIs.